
Siegfried Gass, Frei Otto & Wolfgang Weidlich

Architect Lorenz Lachauer (who is currenty a research assistent at the ETH Zürich) sent me this scan from a book he found in the library. The book is called "Experimente: Physikalische Analogmodelle Im Architektonischen Entwerfen" by Siegfried Gass, Frei Otto and Wolfgang Weidlich, published by the Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke, Universität Stuttgart in 1990. He says it's a really amazing book and I believe him! Thanks for letting us know, Lorenz!

Update 2009-10-01:

Moritz Fleischmann at the ICD (Universität Stuttgart) kindly told me this book (also labeled IL25, ISBN: 978-3-7828-2025-7) is still available from the Verein zur Förderung des Leichtbaus e.V. (website) in Stuttgart and you can order it here. Thanks Moritz!


Email from Oliver David Krieg

I was contacted by Oliver David Krieg, from the University of Stuttgart, Faculty for Architecture and Urban Planning. Oliver is one of the students in this years design studio called "Material Systems I: Reciprocities" tutored by Moritz Fleischmann and Christopher Robeller at the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) led by prof. Achim Menges.
They are investigating the properties of wood very thoroughly and of course bending geometry is one of them.
Rhino and scripting are among their tools and the goal is to develop a material system with interconnected elements that can react (passively) to surrounding influences.
It will be very interesting to see how this will develop. Thanks for getting in touch Oliver!
(Photos by Oliver David Krieg)