Architect Lorenz Lachauer (who is currenty a research assistent at the ETH Zürich) sent me this scan from a book he found in the library. The book is called "Experimente: Physikalische Analogmodelle Im Architektonischen Entwerfen" by Siegfried Gass, Frei Otto and Wolfgang Weidlich, published by the Institut für leichte Flächentragwerke, Universität Stuttgart in 1990. He says it's a really amazing book and I believe him! Thanks for letting us know, Lorenz!
Update 2009-10-01:
Moritz Fleischmann at the ICD (Universität Stuttgart) kindly told me this book (also labeled IL25, ISBN: 978-3-7828-2025-7) is still available from the Verein zur Förderung des Leichtbaus e.V. (website) in Stuttgart and you can order it here. Thanks Moritz!
Update 2009-10-01:
Moritz Fleischmann at the ICD (Universität Stuttgart) kindly told me this book (also labeled IL25, ISBN: 978-3-7828-2025-7) is still available from the Verein zur Förderung des Leichtbaus e.V. (website) in Stuttgart and you can order it here. Thanks Moritz!