
Explaining the five cases of elastic bending

At the moment, this is how I would explain the geometry of the 5 cases of elastic bending (see previous post):

Case #1 This one follows the elastica curve, which means the curvature varies with the sin of distance along the curve (explanation here). The curve equals half a cycle of Sin (180 degrees) which means the curvature will be zero at start point and endpoint.
[EDIT 2010-06-13] This case probably involves the Cornu spiral (clothoid), see here and here.

Case #2 This is probably* a part of a clothoid curve (Cornu spiral). Curvature is maximum at the clamped end and zero at the loose end. There is a linear change in curvature in between. (A loose end cannot store any bending energy and the curvature there must be zero).
*(This could possibly be simply half an elastica curve, but I find that less likely).

Case #3 This is a circle (cylinder). Curvature is constant along the curve.

Case #4 This is a helix. Curvature is constant along the curve and there is also a constant twist. This could also be called a cylindrical plank line, which means it has the shape of a thin (straight) strip that has been wrapped around a cylinder.

Case #5 This is a conic plank line, which means it has the shape of a thin (straight) strip that has been wrapped around a cone.

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